Case study
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Jul 19, 2024

Dr Warwick Vale discusses Whippet Notes

In the fast-paced world of equine veterinary practice, efficient and accurate record-keeping is essential. Dr. Warwick Vale, a mobile equine veterinarian with nearly 35 years of experience in the Swan Valley of Western Australia, shares his transformative experience with Whippet Notes, an innovative application designed to change how veterinarians manage their consult notes.

The challenges of a mobile equine vet

As a mobile equine vet, Dr. Vale faced several challenges: documentation was time-consuming due to handwritten notes and manual data entry, which diverted valuable time from patient care. Additionally, reliance on memory for note-taking after consultations often led to inaccuracies and incomplete records. The need to juggle multiple tasks—such as driving, diagnosing, and documenting—highlighted the necessity for a streamlined solution to maintain high standards of care.

The solution in Whippet Notes

Whippet Notes, an AI-scribe designed specifically for veterinarians, was the solution Dr. Vale needed to enhance the efficiency and accuracy of his record-keeping. Recognising its potential, he incorporated Whippet Notes into his daily routine, significantly improving his workflow. During or after consultations, Dr. Vale records his observations, diagnoses, and treatment plans using the app. He explains, "Whippet Notes is an application that records voice, records whatever I say and whatever it hears directly into the app." This feature allowed him to capture detailed, real-time information efficiently.

"This transcription process is seamless, rapid, and accurate. It takes just seconds to convert spoken words into written notes"

Additionally, Dr. Vale could attach relevant images, such as drug labels or pictures of lesions, to the audio recording. "I sometimes take pictures of lesions that I might have seen on the horse, in which case I'll select those from my photo reel," he shares. The app's AI transcribes the audio into a written format, making it available on his dashboard, the transcription process ensured his records were accurate and comprehensive. Dr. Vale then seamlessly integrated these formatted notes into his practice management software by copying and pasting, ensuring all records were up-to-date and easily accessible. This streamlined approach allowed Dr. Vale to focus more on patient care and less on administrative tasks.

The benefits of using Whippet Notes

Since adopting Whippet Notes, Dr. Vale has experienced several significant benefits. The app drastically reduces the time spent on documentation, allowing him to focus more on patient care. "It's cut down on my paperwork. It's a permanent backup of my records." The AI transcription ensures that records are accurate and complete, reducing the risk of errors. "Whippet Notes...ensures that their clinical notes are accurate, complete, comprehensive, and well set out." The streamlined process of recording and transcribing notes enhances overall efficiency and reduces stress. "It's seamless, rapid, and accurate." Having all notes, images, and recordings backed up in the cloud provides a permanent and easily accessible record.

"I can recommend it highly...because I believe this will change your life."

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